When you look at the varying foreign exchange rates from different providers on the internet, you will find that prepaid currency cards offer consistently better value. Have a look at the rates on the FairFX Prepaid Currency Card now, and see just how great a deal you could get.
It is important to compare currency exchange rates when converting your pounds to dollars or other currencies, when it is time to go on holiday and you need to buy travel cash. There are a number of places to purchase your travel cash, but the exchange rates can vary, so you need to compare currency exchange rates carefully. There are several factors to consider when you compare currency exchange rates because some options charge commissions or fees, when you are buying your travel cash.
Market Conditions Set The Basis For Exchange Rates:
When you compare currency exchange rates, it is important to keep in mind that the currency markets establish the exchange rate, but many of the exchange bureaus and kiosks may charge commissions or fees on top of this exchange rate. When you compare currency exchange rates to buy travel cash for your holiday, the cheapest option is the prepaid currency card you can get. Because it is an online Internet-based business, there is no rent overhead and the two-way currency exchanges allow the optimal exchange rate.
Compare Currency Exchange Rates At The Bank:
You can compare currency exchange rates at the bank, but there might be fees and commissions involved there, too. For one thing, you have to compare currency exchange rates frequently because they can fluctuate throughout the day, based on the world currency markets, which banks follow closely. When you compare currency exchange rates at the bank, be aware they might change by the time you get there to exchange your currency and they might be limited to which currencies they have available to exchange.
Use a prepaid currency card to get the best value on your travel money
When you look at foreign exchange rates, you have to keep in mind that many places will be able to convert pounds to dollars, but might not be able to offer you other options, if you are traveling for holiday in a place that takes another currency. When you compare currency exchange rates, there is a way to purchase travel cash and if you order it by 2pm, you can have it delivered to your home the next day in your choice of 21 currencies. The easiest and safest way to get the travel cash you need is to purchase the prepaid currency card that is based on the best current exchange rates. You can purchase the prepaid MasterCard currency card or have the money transferred to your foreign currency account.
If need to purchase travel money for your holiday, be sure to compare currency exchange rates, but when you want the best deal, you will want to consider the ease and security of a prepaid currency card, to make your holiday travel cash go much further. If you compare currency exchange rates, you will find it is the most affordable option and it's easy to get, by using the Internet and your personal computer.
Tuesday 30 March 2010, 09:39am
Buying travel money? Considered a Prepaid Card? If not, you are probably aren't getting the best deal. See how much you could save with a FairFX Prepaid Currency Card.
Purchasing travel money to spend is essential for anyone who plans on taking a holiday or trip to another country. Years ago there were only one or two options open to anyone who wanted to do this, so the choice was very limited. This meant that there was little point in trying to find out about who would offer you the best exchange rates and so on as your options were so narrow. Today there are so many different places to purchase travel moneythat it can be hard to know which is the best, so it is vital that you do your research to get the best rates around.
Why you should research travel money
As with any kind of financial transaction everyone wants to feel as though they are getting value for money, and purchasing travel money is no different. As it is possible to purchase travel money from travel agents, banks, post offices, online and on prepaid currency cards there have never been so many ways to buy your currency. So as you can see, with so much choice and so many ways to obtain your travel money, you need to make sure that you have thoroughly researched the market. Doing this kind of detailed research will make you confident that you have made the best decision about where to purchase your travel money from.
How to research travel money
The first place that many people start when they want to research anything is the internet. Here you can find a wealth of information on every topic you can think of and that includes information for people wanting to purchase travel money. You might want to see who offers travel money and what their rates are. While online you can also take a look at the exchange rate of the currency you are interested in purchasing.
It is also possible to research rates before you buy your travel money from more direct sources. Some people like to take a look on the high street and check out the varying rates and ways to purchase money to travel with. One of the drawbacks to this is that it can be very time consuming and few people have hours to spend doing this.
What you should be looking for
One of the best ways to make your research work for you is to know what you should be looking for when you purchase travel money. For example you will want to take advantage of the best exchange rates. You will also want to find a way to be flexible with your money and if needed, set the amount that you are going to spend. Using a prepaid currency card is the best way to get the most from your money as you can load a prepaid currency card whenever the exchange rate is good. You are under no obligation to load a set amount and you have the freedom to reload your card at any time during your holiday, should you need to. In fact with so many advantages it is clear to see that using a prepaid currency card to purchase travel money is a smart move for anyone planning on travelling abroad.
Monday 29 March 2010, 05:25pm
If you are tired of paying the huge fees that have become standard when exchanging money prior to a holiday, you aren't alone! More and more people are standing up and questioning why they should have to pay those high commissions just to exchange money that is already theirs for currency of another country. This is why it is now advised that you compare exchange rates for your travel money well in advance of a holiday.
Exchanging Last Minute
If you are accustomed to exchanging your money just before leaving home or at the airport once you have arrived for your holiday, you are probably paying the most outrageous fees out there. Since you are in a hurry, you aren't likely to compare exchange rates and companies that deal with last minute exchanges know this!
They know you aren't in the frame of mind to be questioning their exchange rates, if you are even paying attention at all. As a result, rates in airports and banks or other exchange businesses near the airport tend to have higher rates.
People who take the time to start shopping around for the best rates in advance of their holiday are the ones who end up paying much less. This only makes sense because it will free up more money to actually be spent on holiday!
Comparing Rates Online
One option to compare exchange rates in advance is to go online. You can now access virtually anything you want with a few keywords and the click of a mouse, so why not try to find the most competitive currency exchange rates online? This is actually the best way to start, but you have to watch out that the sites you use are trustworthy.
For starters, ignore any random emails you receive asking you to click a link and compare exchange rates. Many of these sites are set up for phishing, which means they are there to collect your personal information rather than to actually exchange your money.
Another word of caution is to avoid exchange websites offering "commission free money," as there is really no such thing as legitimate exchanges without any form of commission. The trick here is that they offer you a higher exchange rate while waiving the typical "commission fee." You are still paying the fee, but it is deceptively hidden in the exchange rate.
If you compare exchange rates from one site to another you will catch these little scams!
Prepaid Options
You never know exactly how much currency you are going to need when you go on holiday, so the new options of purchasing prepaid currency cards are probably going to be your best deal. You can still compare exchange rates prior to leaving for your holiday, but you will be able to purchase your currency and have it placed on a convenient, completely safe Mastercard or Visa which can be used around the world just like any other credit card.
What is so beneficial here is the ability to compare exchange rates prior to purchasing your currency and then have a safer way of carrying your money around once you leave for holiday. While you may still want some local notes on hand while on holiday, the bulk of your travel money should be secured on a prepaid card where the fees are noted upfront at the time you place currency on the card.
Monday 29 March 2010, 03:32pm