When you are getting ready to go for a holiday trip, do you know where the cheapest place to buy holiday money might be? If you are getting ready for a foreign holiday, you might find the need to convert pounds to dollars and finding the best currency exchange rates might be a top priority. If you need to buy holiday money for your traveling expenses in these foreign countries, it is a matter of finding the cheapest place to buy holiday money for your travels.
Buy Holiday Money At Exchange Bureaus?
Many people might think that the Post Office or a global company like HSBC might be the cheapest place to buy holiday money, but they would be mistaken. Because there is rent overhead and other expenses associated with these exchange bureaus, they can't be considered the cheapest places to buy holiday money. There can be commissions and fees associated with many places you buy holiday money, so finding the cheapest place might be hard to find. There is a prepaid MasterCard currency card that offers the best currency exchange rates, doesn't charge commissions and offers the most secure and convenient way to get ready for your holiday or business trip. Unfortunately, it can't be found at these common currency exchange bureaus.
Buy Holiday Money At Airport Currency Exchange Kiosks?
When you need to buy holiday cash for your overseas holiday or business trip, some people will use the currency exchange kiosks at the airport as they are getting ready to board the plane. When you compare the Travelex Heathrow foreign exchange rate, you will find that it is probably the worst exchange rate, even worse than the exchange bureaus. Of course, the best currency exchange rates are those that you get with the prepaid MasterCard currency card and it is easy to buy holiday money from the convenience of your home, using your personal computer. While the airport currency exchange kiosks are convenient for those that have forgotten the need to buy holiday money, a little forethought can save you considerably, when you buy holiday money using the currency card account.
Setting Up A Currency Card Account To Buy Holiday Money?
It only takes a few minutes to set up an account to buy the prepaid MasterCard currency card and it is part of the initial process to buy holiday money. Through the use of your personal computer, you can buy holiday money easily by setting up an account and transferring money by bank transfer. Most of the high street banks will make the bank transfer at no cost, so you can buy holiday money by taking advantage of the best currency exchange rates. Because it is quick and easy, you can enjoy a secure way to buy holiday money and enjoy the security of taking a prepaid currency card on your holiday travels, which is safer than carrying cash.
When it comes to the best way to buy holiday money, the prepaid currency card offers advantages. Not only is it easy and secure, but you get a much better currency exchange rate as well. Apply now for the FairFX Currency Card.
Tuesday 23 March 2010, 09:42am
When it comes to the most convenient and secure methods of getting your traveling cash, it might be surprising to find out that this is also the best way to get the best currency exchange rates, as well. Using your personal computer makes it easy and convenient to get the best currency exchange rates and you can take advantage of the prepaid MasterCard currency card that comes with a chip and PIN to keep your money safe, when traveling. When you are considering how to get the best currency exchange rates, you have to compare several items.
0% Commission Travel money Doesn't Exist
Most businesses that advertise 0% commission on the high street aren't actually giving you the saving you think. The money they make tends to be built into the exchange rate, or hidden fees, so you are actually end up paying over the odds for your foreign currency, but now you don't even know about it! A Currency Card from FairFX gives you rates far closer to the true market value (called the spot rate) than many other providers. On top of that, we make sure that all our fees follow a clear structure, and you can work out exactly how you are charged.
Carrying Cash From Your Bank Might Not Be The Safest Option
Getting holiday or traveling cash from your bank might include a fee and it might not be the best currency exchange rates you can get, when it comes time to convert pounds to dollars. When you are traveling in a foreign country, traveling cash is not the safest option. With the safety and security of the prepaid MasterCard currency card, you have a chip and PIN that makes it safe to walk around and not worry about losing your cash, yet you have the convenience of using ATMs or using your prepaid currency card at any places that accept credit cards.
You Can Get The Best Currency Exchange Rates Easily, In A Matter Of Minutes:
It is easy to set up an account to get the best currency exchange rates and it just takes a few minutes as part of the initial purchase process. When you are ready to get the easiest and most secure way of getting your holiday money, the prepaid currency card can offer you the benefits with 3 different options. While the preferred method is the prepaid MasterCard currency card, you can also have the traveling cash delivered to your home or have the money transferred to your foreign currency bank account.
When you are looking for the best currency exchange rates, it is easy to use your personal computer and enjoy the safety and convenience of the prepaid currency card, as well.
Monday 22 March 2010, 04:27pm
If you are getting ready for a holiday or business trip, you might need to order foreign currency for traveling cash. In your search for the best foreign currency exchange rates, you might run across several options to order foreign currency. With advanced technology, you can securely order foreign currency from your personal computer, and you will find that you get the best price, convenience and security by using this method.
When you order foreign currency through exchange bureaus or use the kiosks at the airport, you might be surprised to find that you get a better exchange rate when you order foreign currency on the computer. When you set up an account to order foreign currency on a prepaid MasterCard, you get a secure card with chip and PIN to grant you access to your money when traveling to another country. It is easy to order foreign currency using this method and you get more money on the currency exchange by using this method.
Setting Up An Account To Order Foreign Currency:
It is easy to set up an account for the prepaid currency card and it takes as little as five minutes. It is part of the initial purchase process, so you can order foreign currency in a matter of minutes. You have 3 options available to convert your pounds to dollars. You can convert it to the prepaid currency card, which is the most secure way to carry traveling cash, but you can also have the traveling cash delivered to your home or transferred to your foreign bank account. Using the prepaid MasterCard, you have access to your cash from ATMs and you can use it just like a regular credit card anywhere you travel.
Why Isn't This More Expensive Than Other Ways To Order Foreign Currency?
The reason that the prepaid MasterCard currency card offers the best foreign exchange rate is that there isn't the rent overhead associated with exchange bureaus and kiosks. In addition, many of these places charge fees or commissions, but with the prepaid currency card, you can take advantage of the best currency exchange rates because the two-way flow of the currency exchanges work to your advantage. When you consider the savings is passed on to you through better exchange rates than you can get many places, including the Post Office, Travelex Heathrow or HSBC, you get the benefit of ease, convenience, secure transactions and the best exchange rates, when you order foreign currency.
How Can I Fund My Account, When I Am Ready To Order Foreign Currency?
Most high street banks will handle a bank transfer at no cost, making it easy to transfer the funds you need to order foreign currency. You can also use your credit card to fund your account and order foreign currency, but there will be a 1.5% transaction fee and the credit card company will likely charge a cash transaction fee, in addition to charging interest. It is easy to order foreign currency and more secure to have traveling cash, when you purchase the prepaid currency card.
Monday 22 March 2010, 09:11am