Spending money for a holiday? Be financially secure and save money by applying for a prepaid currency card. It can make your travelling experience easier and safer. At first you might be skeptical about the idea, but the advantages of carrying a prepaid currency card whenever you go abroad far outweigh trying to exchange money the old way.
The Old Way of Exchanging Currency
Before prepaid cards became popular, you'd have to carry a large amount of cash when you go travel out of the country. A lot of people feel uncomfortable carrying a lot of money with them while they travel as it's easy to lose bags or have your possessions stolen. When you actually get to the currency exchange center, you'll find that they charge incredibly high rates and it's difficult to find places where the rates are low.
Using Credit Cards
You can use credit cards to pay for goods and services but stores in foreign countries only accept certain credit cards. In addition, there's a huge surcharge that's added to your credit card because you are using it out of your country. Also, if there is an error in your receipt or you get overcharged, the chance of disputing it are slim since you'd only find out after you left the country you were visiting.
Prepaid Currency Cards Offers a Cheaper and Easier Solution
Prepaid currency cards are safer, easier, and cheaper than carrying cash or using a credit card. If you're spending money for a holiday, you should aim to save some money. Prepaid currency cards can save you as much as 10% compared to the currency exchange booths at the airport. (See our homepage for live rates of exchange). The currency card companies are trying to compete with exchange centers and are offering competitive prices for buyers.
You'll also feel secure since you're using a prepaid card instead of carrying cash. Putting the amount of money in the card will also help you control your spending since you have a budget to work with. What's more there are no interest charges, no debt to pay, and no chances of getting charged overdraft fees by your bank.
Choosing between carrying money and securing a prepaid currency card is all up to you. However, it's clear that prepaid cards are cheaper, safer, and easier to work with. If you're spending money for holiday, you might as well do it in peace and enjoy your next trip.
Get a FairFX card today to make sure that you get the best deal buying foreign currency for your next holiday.
Monday 26 April 2010, 09:55am
Most travelers know that they need to do some money exchanging prior to leaving for holiday, but what many fail to think of are the many circumstances in which they may need to exchange money while they are still far from home.
Cash Withdrawals
The first thing you may think to do is hit an ATM with a debit or credit card and simply withdraw some cash in the local currency for wherever you happen to be at the moment. This is one of the easiest remedies for the situation at hand, but you will find the fees that your credit card company and the owner of that foreign ATM charge you for that transaction to be quite shocking.
The fees with credit card withdraws away from home is simply absurd, which is why most people avoid this option at all costs.
Exchanging Euros for Local Cash
Your next likely resource would be local companies and banks that are located in tourist areas where you are likely spending a lot of your time on holiday. The problem with this is you will never get the best euro exchange rate from these companies, no mater what lines they feed you.
You may be able to get a more reasonable exchange rate if you went away from a tourist area to a bank in a residential community, but you still won’t get the lowest rate possible.
The Secret Revealed
So, what’s the secret here? How do you get the best euro exchange rate on your currency exchange when you are far from home?
It turns out you find the best rates the same you find them prior to holiday when you are at home in your own community! This of course means you go with prepaid cards that can be used around the world.
A prepaid card will not only offer the best euro exchange rate, but it will give you the option of reloading additional funds onto the card if you need it during your trip. They are simple to reload and will offer low rates that simply cannot be competed with through most local businesses and banks. You can also purchase them online, which gives you the ability to compare different cards to ensure you are in fact getting the best euro exchange rate out there.
Holidays are meant to give you a break from the stress of every day life, but when you run out of money and are worried about getting a reasonable exchange rate things can feel more than stressful. Give yourself a break and purchase a prepaid card or two prior to leaving.
Better yet, purchase one “just in case” emergency prepaid card to ensure you receive the same low rate that you received prior to your trip. Since these cards always have the same value no matter when they are used, this is a way to essentially lock in your rate and be prepared for the worst.
Get a FairFX card today for better rates on euro exchange.
Friday 23 April 2010, 10:54am
Prepaid currency cards are the best option to save yourself cash when buying travel money. They are more secure, and give you much better exchange rates than buying cash. See how much you could save with a FairFX card now!
When you need to convert the £ into a foreign currency, the choices for buying travel money might seem limited, yet there can be vast difference in the amount you can expect to end up with after the conversion rate is calculated and the commissions and other fees are added. With the prepaid currency cards, you get the best exchange rates for buying travel money, yet you also get convenience and security that no other options offer.
What Is A Prepaid Currency Card?
You can convert your home currency into a foreign currency quite easily through a prepaid currency card. It is a prepaid MasterCard that works just like any other credit card except you exchange currency before you go on your foreign holiday. Not only do you get the best foreign exchange rate when buying travel money, but the prepaid MasterCard has a chip and PIN to use, making them the most secure option. Because they are so easy to use, and you get the best exchange rates when buying travel money, you can enjoy your holiday with the peace of mind you get from know you got the most from your currency exchange when buying travel money and you have a secure option that is easy to carry in your holiday travels.
Is It Difficult To Get The Prepaid Currency Card?
When you are buying travel money, you want the easiest option because you have many things to do before leaving on your holiday and probably find yourself without adequate time. With the prepaid currency card, you can use your personal computer, sign on the Internet, open your foreign currency account in a matter of minutes and complete the purchase for buying travel money online. Because you can open your account as part of the purchase transaction, when you are buying travel money, the entire process is quick and easy. You can choose from 3 options when buying travel money with your account, but the prepaid currency card is the most popular. Of course, you can have banknotes delivered to your front door or have your exchanged currency transferred to your foreign currency bank account.
Does The Prepaid Currency Spend Like Other Travel Money?
Because the prepaid currency card is a MasterCard with a chip and PIN for security, you can use it anyplace that you use credit cards, which is almost anywhere, worldwide. When you are buying travel money, the prepaid currency card is easy to use in all of the places you will go, including hotels, pubs, eateries and the most popular tourist destinations. Because it is already exchanged currency, the prepaid card makes it easy for you to stay within your budget, and when buying travel money, you have the peace of mind in knowing that you can use the prepaid currency card like you do other exchanged currency options, but you enjoy more security and convenience than any other methods you might choose.
Order a FairFX card today and see how much you could save on your travel money!
Thursday 22 April 2010, 10:33am